My Monthly Budget as a #Sankey Diagram.
I've been tracking my budget very meticulously with #excel during my college years, but switched to YNAB since 2017 because I wanted to be more diligent with my #personalfinance. Link here if interested: (you get a free month)
Also, why I started using Personal Capital that same year too as I've always viewed #YNAB is to budgeting as #personalcapital is to investing. Link here if interested: (it's #free and you also get $20 if you sign up).
Although I've been tracking my budget for awhile now, I'm thinking it's not the best measure of my future expenses for the financially independent, retire early (#FIRE) movement because it's too focused on being lean vs. how I'd prefer to spend (i.e. discretionary) if I'm financially free. Especially for #FATFIRE. Thus, in 2024, I hope to drill into the details a bit more to figure out what my desired (vs. actual) expenses are on a monthly and annual basis.
What about you? Are you planning on #FIRE and do you have any tips and/or advice you can add?
#retirement #earlyretirement